Saturday, February 21, 2009


I love soft boiled eggs, with or without GF toast strips to dunk in them (called 'soldiers' here). I've got an egg-timer that never fails, so I have perfect eggs every time. (I'll see if I can find it on Amazon and post a link -- it's brilliant!)

As a side note about eggs here, I normally buy all organic meats, poultry, eggs, etc -- the others smell (when cooking, especially!) and taste rather wild and gamey. It can turn me off to where I can't eat the stuff after cooking it. But, with the price of eggs here (the equivalent to about $5-$6 a dozen in the US, I'm always on the lookout for something cheaper. The other day I saw local free-range eggs, only a quid for 6 (so $3-4 a dozen, with the pound turning into the new peso). I brought home a box. My daughter was visiting and got first crack at them (just realised the pun -- not intended), and after one bite declared they 'taste like chickens, but not in a good way.' I tried a bit of yolk -- it's true. Not an egg taste, but a gamey hunk of poultry.

Back to organics.

Anyway, aren't the 'new' cups lovely?? Hand made. Got them in a charity shop for next to nothing.

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