Sunday, September 21, 2008

Apple Crisp

Very easy!

In a non-stick baking pan, place 5 cups of coarsely chopped-up apples (I used Bramleys today), and add 1/2 cp. dried cranberries (or, in season, 1 cp fresh cranberries), and a cup of sliced almonds.

In a food processor, pulse until crumbly: 1 & 1/2 cups light brown sugar, 1/3 cup of flour (I use Doves Farm blend -- always works in everything I make), 1/4 cup margarine or butter, 2 tsp cinnamon, and 1/4 tsp each cloves and nutmeg.

Sprinkle this mixture over the apples mixture, and bake at 175 C, gas mark 4 until done (about an hour?).


  1. Oh, yum, apples and cranberries! I can practically smell this from your photo...

  2. Oh, yes, and what a good combination -- the apples crisp, and the rich gateau. (And I'm sitting here looking at the pans (not so full any longer) and dirty plates and forks and wondering how the neighbours sneaked in and ate so much of each, without me seeing them. Hmmm. Surely it wasn't ME?)


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